Writing for Nappy Head Club
We want to use our platform as a connecting tool to bring important dialouge to our community. If you are a writer/blogger and have a story to share we are ALWAYS accepting pitches.
Please email pitches to info@nappyheadclub.com
In your body please note:
What is the story you'd like to write? Include details that will help provide us at Nappy Head Club with important context for your story/article. Don’t assume we’ll know what you’re talking about, inform us!
Why is it important? Think about our audience and come up with an angle that will most appeal to them as readers.
The format of the story
news (max 400 words)
Blurb (max 400 words)
long-form (1000-1200+ words)
short-form (400-1000 words)
Listical (varies)
We look forward to hearing from you!