Writing for Nappy Head Club

We want to use our platform as a connecting tool to bring important dialouge to our community. If you are a writer/blogger and have a story to share we are ALWAYS accepting pitches.  

Please email pitches to info@nappyheadclub.com 

When sending a pitch, please include in the subject line:


In your body please note: 

  • What is the story you'd like to write? Include details that will help provide us at Nappy Head Club with important context for your story/article. Don’t assume we’ll know what you’re talking about, inform us!

  • Why is it important? Think about our audience and come up with an angle that will most appeal to them as readers.

  • The format of the story 

    • news (max 400 words) 

    • Blurb (max 400 words)

    • long-form (1000-1200+ words)

    • short-form (400-1000 words)

    • Listical (varies)

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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